A Case Against Barack Obama For President
There is no doubt that Barack Obama is smooth, charming, and articulate--exactly the kind of person that doesn't make for a good president. He would make a good actor, perhaps. A decent preacher, yes, for sure. But a president has to be rather old, nondescript and congenial--like the way the elder George Bush occupied his office.
Unlike his son, W, the senior Bush emanated an air of sedate wisdom and compassion, almost like an elder neighbour who doesn't mind raking leaves off part of your lawn as a matter of course--a person, quite frankly, too old and relaxed to be involved in any kind of sex or bribery scandal. And, unlike his son, he was someone with enough restraint and sense (and lack of bloodlust or vainglory) not to allow U.S. forces to enter Baghdad.
That kind of practical sense is not something you find in great abundance in presidential candidates lately. Not in Hillary Clinton, not in John McCain, and not in John Edwards. Perhaps a little bit in Al Gore (but he is probably rather unelectable now). Sadly, then, the best candidates for the presidency are probably found behind the counters of corner stores, in front of elementary classrooms, or sitting in retirement homes--ordinary, friendly, and decent people who have no interest in hopping around the country making fancy speeches or squabbling in debates. The old adage that 'no one good enough to be President would actually run for President' is truer now than it ever was.
One has to question the sanity of anyone willing to undergo the rigorous path towards winning the presidency. Obama has spent many years helping youth and poor communities in Chicago--doing some real good. Why would he abandon that for higher office? It simply stretches the imagination to think that he genuinely believes he could do more constructive good for people in the White House than in the inner neighborhoods of Chicago. No, for a man of his age, presidential aspirations could only be about one thing: ego gratification. While a big ego is not a bad thing in the arena of sports, film, or music, it can be a disastrous trait for a head of a country.
There has been a lot of mess created by the current president. A big mess. What the USA really needs nows is a patient, mature person to come in and clean up the yard. What the country really needs now is an old, wise, (and perhaps even boring) leader. A person lacking in charisma; stodgy, stuffy, perhaps even a little smelly. Just a good old man one can trust like a grandfather (a person who may not exist so far in the current field of candidates).
So, until Barack Obama gets more white hairs, has suffered humiliating setbacks, and develops a cool, grandmotherly wisdom and resolve, he can serve his country best by keeping his theatrical acumen to the Senate floor or in his living room.
I suppose there are some good points here, but Barack would make a great president!
Old guys can't be in the White House. Think of the mess!
Senator Obama is a fine man. He's worked hard for people and he'll continue to do so as President.
My dad would be a great president. He's pretty honest. He's a lawyer, too.
Hillary all the way!
McCain is an old guy but he seems more dangerous than Obama!
Who's Barack Obama? Anyway, if he's running for President, that last name has gotta go. Rings too close to "Osama", if you know what I mean. In our post-9/11 age, America just won't stand for a President Obama. Norma Jeane Mortenson became Marilyn Monroe...hmm, maybe he can become Barney O'Hara? Yeah, I'd vote for that name.
"It simply stretches the imagination to think that he genuinely believes he could do more constructive good for people in the White House than in the inner neighborhoods of Chicago."
No, it simply does not. Do not mistake certain presidential virtues such as confidence for 'ego gratification'. He is new to Washington and would bring a fresh, unspoiled perspective to the office.
andrew. . .ignorance like yours is what is wrong with this country and why people like Bush are currently in charge.
You mean old and wise like: Dick Cheney?
"andrew. . .ignorance like yours is what is wrong with this country and why people like Bush are currently in charge."
Anonymous, I guess my attempt at sarcasm was lost on you. I suppose if a friend of yours said to you with a smile, "Knock, knock", you'd reply with, "Yes, what are you talking about?" Anyway, I love your unique name! I'd vote for that name too. By the way, who's Bush?
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